
Posts Tagged ‘Birth of Venus’

It’s getting late in the day and I’ve been working on a blog, but it’s become more involved than I thought it would be so let’s save that one for another day.  For now though I’ve been thinking about art. (you’ll see why when I post that other blog)  I like different kinds of art.  I’ve already told you about the Piccadilly Circus painting by Thomas Kinkade that I like here in my blog.
A few of my other favorites are these:

"The Kiss" ~ Auguste Rodin 1889

I saw “The Kiss” when I went to visit my Aunt Teresa in Milwaukee at the Milwaukee Art Museum about 5 years ago.  Right away I loved it!

"Primavera" ~ Sandro Botticelli c-1482

I saw the Primavera when I was in Florence, Italy at the Uffizi Gallery about 8 years ago.

"The Birth of Venus" ~ Sandro Botticelli c-1486

I’ve always thought The Birth of Venus was beautiful.  I found a nice print of it last summer at a tag sale and hopefully I can hang it in my office eventually.  I also saw this painting at the Uffizi Gallery when I was in Florence, Italy about 8 years ago.

"The Rape of the Sabine Women" ~ Giambologna

"The Rape of the Sabine Women" ~ Giambologna

This sculpture is found outside the Uffizi Gallery in the Loggia dei Lanzi on the corner of the Piazza della Signoria.  “The Rape of the Sabine Women” implies abduction vs. the modern word rape.

"The Sistine Chapel" ~ Michelangelo, Raphael, Bernini, and Botticelli

Perhaps one of the most impressive works of art on the planet in my opinion has got to be the Sistine Chapel.  I’ve been known to tell people “I don’t care if you’re Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Protestant, Baptist, Episcopalian, Jewish, Islamic, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, Buddhist,  Atheist, etc. – go see the Sistine Chapel before you die.  It’s breathtaking!”  The chapel is located in Vatican City.
When I visited there I was able to rent a MP3 player that came with a “map” of the chapel.  Each fresco has a corresponding number that I could punch into the player and it would tell me about the fresco.  Who was in it, who they believe painted it and approximately when.  One of the most popular paintings is in the very center of the ceiling.

"The Creation of Man" ~ Michelangelo

It has also been called “The Creation of Adam”  I think I spent about 3 hours in there just trying to take it all in.  It wasn’t nearly long enough.  I did have quite a cramp in my neck by the time I left though!

"The Last Judgment" ~ Michelangelo

They say “The Last Judgment” was painted by Michelangelo between the years 1537 and 1541 and was painted nearly 3 decades after he painted the ceiling.

These are all works of art which I’ve seen.  I have yet to see:

"The Starry Night" ~ Vincent Van Gogh c-1889


"Mona Lisa" ~ Leonardo da Vinci c-1503-1506


"The Persistence of Memory" ~ Salvador Dalí


What are some of your favorite works of art?  Send me links if you can.

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