
Posts Tagged ‘reserve’

Do you utilize your local library?

My title of this actually implies that I spend quite a bit of time in mine, but lately it’s been quite the opposite.
I tend to go online and search out books I’d like and I request them.  When I get to the library, they scan my card and go to the reserved shelf and give me my stack.  It’s great!  I don’t need to search or go into “the stacks” at all.

Occasionally I do still take a wander up the aisles and scan through the new book shelf to see if anything catches my eye, but I usually have enough reserved that I can barely lift my back after I check them out….

Lately I’ve been reading (well it’s more like detailed skimming) books about blogging, job searching, management skills (just to keep me on my toes), cookbooks, and trivia type books.

Do you use your library?
Have you read anything good lately?

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If you’d like to see what I’ve read lately you can check out my GoodReads Account.

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