
Posts Tagged ‘Electric Toothbrush’

The Weeklies ~ Week 29


The Weekly Re-cap: We talked about how to kill mosquitoes and where to get yummy cupcakes.  I taught you how to cook a yummy meal that will feed you for days.  I told you who I thought should take their shirt off in the next Twilight movie.  I relayed a story of a man who helped feed some soldiers on their way to warIsabella showed off her work ethic and I told you my strategy to find treasures at yard sales.  Finally I put up a post about my 200th blog.  There we talked about my top 3 posts to-date.

The Weekly Guest Blog Posts: For the past 2 weeks Kristi Gustafson who writes the On The Edge blog for the Times Union has been on vacation.  While she was out she had scheduled guest blogs to fill the time she was out of the office.  Michael and I were featured in the following:  What Is A Friend?My Dog Is My ChildMeet Rose Winters (AKA Dozenroses13) & Meet Michael Henry (AKA: Michael @tcrpmg) Click the links, check them out, and comment away!

The Weekly Yay: Michael and the Times Union FINALLY launched the long-overdue Biker Blog.  Check it out and leave him some comment love!

The Weekly Read: I’m working on reading The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.

The Weekly Music: U2 – Even Better Than The Real Thing I heard the song the other day and can’t get it out of my head.  That’s not a bad thing.  I love the song!!

The Weekly Movie: Flight of the Navigator (1986)

The Weekly Time Waster: Google Chrome.  I tried using it a few weeks ago and it kept slowing down my computer and crashing.  So I stopped using it, but my Firefox kept getting hung up.  It shouldn’t take 5 minutes for a page to load.  It was worse than waiting for dial-up!  You can’t imagine how many times I was ready to throw something!  So yesterday I finally decided to uninstall Google Chrome and that seems to have been the problem!  (Yeah, I know, you’re shocked, I’m not putting any links to Google Chrome because I don’t want to encourage ANYONE to install it!!)

The Weekly Downer: There never seems to be enough time to catch up on reading all the blogs I love!

The Weekly Worst Piece of Crap on TV: Wipeout – If I want to watch people run into walls and fall on their face, I can watch myself in a mirror….

The Weekly Food: Italian Goulash, Moe’s Pulled Pork Rice Bowl, French Toast, and Potato Chips.

The Weekly Interesting Fact: In comparison to the size of its body, a Chihuahua has the largest brains among all the breeds of dogs. **

The Weekly Birthdays: John Conklin, Mike Rojas, Nadine Avery, Paul ‘Ozzie’ Cooper, Rory Woods, Wade Clark, Andy Sleurs, Rachel Armstrong, Darla Poisson, Melissa Markle, Sari Medick, Brandon Powers, Gino Balacic, Ismay Ashley, Terri Rossi, Kristi Gustafson, Yvonne Turchetti and an extra special 40th Birthday shout-out to Kerm Tristani.  I hope you all had fabulous birthdays.  Leave a comment and tell us what you did for your special day.

The Weekly Birthday Wish: Kristi Gustafson really wants an electric toothbrush 🙂

The Weekly Activity: Job search (Times Union Job Fair) and blogging.

The Weekly new people I’ve found on Twitter: I created a new Twitter name GiveAwaysForYou to post up giveaway tweets so they don’t flood my Dozenroses13 feed.  Hopefully one day I’ll be posting my own giveaways.

The Weekly Charity I’m Pimping: Kristi Gustafson will be guest bartending Monday July 26 from 5:30-7:30PM at the award-winning Dale Miller Restaurant.  Dale Miller is generously donating 25% of the bar proceeds from the evening to the programs and services of Equinox, Inc. For more information please visit the event page on Facebook.

The Weekly Countdown: Michael & Angela’s photo reception: 2 Days

Weekly Grand Totals: 100+ comments on the Let’s Ride 1st post in the Times Union’s Biker Blog which Michael writes.

The Weekly Hypothetical:

The Weekly Not-So-Hypothetical:  If I told you Michael wanted me to go outside with him so he could “show me his zucchini.”  What would you say?

Please comment and subscribe.

Wave & cupcake images from http://weheartit.com
U2 image from http://www.newszoom.com/search/read/inxs/inxs/7/02/
Interesting fact found at http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/facts-about-chihuahuas-4040.html
Kristi Gustafson image from http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?pid=313244&id=100000018647482

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