
Posts Tagged ‘Relationships’

Welcome to the 100th Blog!!

When I started blogging, I worried that I might not stick with it.  Well today is number 100!

We’ve chatted about all sorts of things so far this year.
You’ve gotten to know some of my friends, you’ve given one of my closest friends relationship advice,
you’ve consoled me when a close friend passed away, we’ve talked about bloggers,
duck, castles, art, my doggy Isabella, motorcycles, movies, travels, my weeks….

My top three blogs to date are:
PLEASE HELP!  My friend needs relationship advice!!
Interview Series ~ DerryX
What I Did Last Night

Thank you to all of you for hanging around and reading my ramblings!!

My blog jumps around quite a bit.
What else should we discuss??

Please comment and subscribe 🙂

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Hmmm…  What to blog about??  Dog poop? Nah, I think Rob Madeo has that covered….
Baby poop?  Nah, the Mommy blogs have stunk up the place with that…
Farting?  Nope, covered that last week….

If I do this to a clock will time slow down a bit?

Let’s talk a little bit about things I need to accomplish….

I MUST get my taxes done.  The 15th isn’t too far off!!  My accountant is probably swamped and I really don’t want to file an extension this year because there is a slight chance I’m going to have to pay in.  Even though it’s slight have you seen the interest and penalties they charge?  I’d be better off going to a bookie!  Seriously!  The news said something this morning about 6% interest.  BULL$HIT!  I know someone who owed $90 to the state.  He mailed in a check for the $90 around October of that tax year.  He has a bill for $120 which is all interest and penalties.  That’s more than 100%!!

I need to go to DMV and renew my registration on my motorcycle and check when my inspection is due.

I need to make a ton of phone calls.  One to a hotel, one to a friend about a trip, a couple to banks, a couple to home contractors, and one to my old employer about transferring my 401(k)….  I dread ALL of these calls!

My Friend Who Needs Relationship Advice

I also need to call my friend who needed relationship advice (my most popular blog to date) to check in with him.  I don’t dread that call because I genuinely care, but I know I’ll need to block out a good chunk of time for it.

I need to apply to more jobs.  I have companies in mind that I want to look into but not enough hours in the day to research them all!

I need to start figuring out what’s for dinner in advance.  I hate the never-ending argument with Michael.

I need to clean up things around the house.   Sort through piles of mail, etc.

I need to return books to the library.

Miss Isabella

And best of all – I need to cuddle with Miss Isabella 🙂

There’s more on my to-do list but I’d be here all day!!

Do any of you have organization tips to help my days go smoother?

Please comment and subscribe.

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Do you have a safety net/backup plan?

Hypothetically…  you’re a guy in a one-sided relationship.  You wonder if you’re your girlfriend’s “backup plan.”  then you start to wonder if YOU should have a backup plan.

Have you ever been in this situation and if so, what is your definition of a “backup plan?”

Please comment and subscribe.

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When I’m extremely emotional I close my eyes and
I see blue stars on a black background.
I’ve been that way for as long as I can remember.
Even back to when I was a little girl.
All I see are blue stars lately.

It really is horrible to feel helpless.
Especially when you’ve given all the help that you could over time.
Apparently putting others first in your life and
doing your best to be a good person just isn’t good enough.

I gave tolerance and understanding.
I gave time and patience.
I gave trust and love.
I gave it my all.

What I thought was a rough patch was apparently enough for others to
give up.
I can’t dwell on the “what if’s” in life.
I need to focus on the “what was” and more importantly the “what is.”

I need to find that “whatever it takes” attitude again.
I’m just seeing blue stars….

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Hi Everyone,

Sorry it’s so late in the day but it’s been kind of stressful around here….
Tell me something to make me smile 🙂


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Thomas Kinkade's Piccadilly Circus

In 2002 on a trip to Europe I had the pleasure of visiting Piccadilly Circus in London’s West End.
In the center of Piccadilly Circus stands the Shaftesbury Monument Memorial Fountain.
It is topped by Alfred Gilbert’s winged nude statue known as The Angel of Christian Charity popularly known as Eros after the mythical Greek God of love.

According to Wikipedia: The phrase “it’s like Piccadilly Circus” is commonly used in the UK to refer to a place or situation which is extremely busy with people. It has been said that a person who stays long enough at Piccadilly Circus will eventually bump into everyone they know.

I cannot find any reference of it online now, but at the time I visited I was told that if you went to Piccadilly Circus at midnight and professed your undying love to someone in the view of the statue of Eros you would be guaranteed eternal love with that person.


What do you think of the Thomas Kinkade painting?

Have you ever been to Piccadilly Circus?

Please subscribe in the upper right and comment 🙂

Please visit yesterday’s blog as well.

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The Weekly Sadness: My friend Shane Anthony Leone died on Tuesday February 2nd.  He was a wonderfully kind, caring and compassionate friend.  I will miss him.  😦

The Weekly Read: The Road by Cormac McCarthy you can read my review of it on the Goodreads page.
My favorite quote was from page 12: “You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget”

The Weekly Music: Behind Blue Eyes – The Who and Calling All Friends – Low Stars

The Weekly Movie: The Wizard, Independence Day, Employee of the Month, Roadtrip, and Jerry McGuire “You had me at hello.”

The Weekly TV Show: The wait is FINALLY over.  LOST is back on for it’s final season.  I’m STILL confused though!!

The Weekly Big Blog Moments: My Please Help!  My friend needs relationship advice blog got almost triple the views of my biggest blog hit day ever!  That’s pretty incredible.  I wish it were for a happier reason though.  What I can’t believe is that over 200 people came to my blog that day and NOT EVEN ONE new person subscribed to my blog.  I’m shocked!

The Weekly Schadenfreude: Sarah Palin’s response to Rahm Emanuel & Rush Limbaugh using the word retard or retarded. The word was used properly.  Retard is defined as: “Sometimes offensive: slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress.  The way our government has been lately, I don’t blame him for using the word, because it does seem that many are limited in the intellectual department….  It wasn’t used against her child.  Sarah needs to get over herself, it’s NOT all about Sarah!!  Also, I just now realized that Sarah Palin doesn’t seem to have her own website.  Interesting….

The Weekly Time Waster: The NYS Senate Committee has passed a gallons per mile bill.  Seriously?  NY needs to learn to do math on their own.  Why are you wasting valuable time creating shit like this.  I want to drive 1000 miles my car gets 25 mpg therefore it will take me 40 gallons of gas to get there.  It’s MATH not rocket science.

The Weekly Tea: Garden Aria White Tea

The Weekly Food: Grandpa Pete’s Vodka Sauce Grandpa Pete’s had a booth at the Home Show this past weekend.  They had samples.  OMG their sauces are good!  They’re worth every penny!  (Or should I say Penne?)  LOL!

The Weekly Amazing Fact: Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour. Ever wonder how you can react so fast to things around you or why that stubbed toe hurts right away? It’s due to the super-speedy movement of nerve impulses from your brain to the rest of your body and vice versa, bringing reactions at the speed of a high powered luxury sports car.

The Weekly Birthdays: Darrell Kuhn, Jen Adams, Jay Gruen, Katie “Pampered Chef” McKay, and Joey “The Word” Parola

The Weekly Annoyance: If you list things on eBay, and I buy them, make sure they get to me.  Excuses are annoying.  “I lost your gift certificate.”  “Your game must have been lost in the mail.”  ANNOYED!!

The Weekly Activity: Helping one of my best friends who a HUGE relationship issue. Hopefully he’ll sort it all out soon….  Thank you to everyone who commented and gave advice.

The Weekly new people I’ve found on Twitter:
Angelos Tzelepis – He likes wine, photography and soccer – good combination if you ask me 🙂
Never In Vegas – They’re a great Rock ‘n Roll cover band from Boston, MA
Punxsutawney Phil – I had to add him – I wrote a blog about him 🙂

The Weekly Charitys I’m Pimping: You’re going to get two this week.
Hannah’s Hope Fund – This little girl has Giant Axonal Neuropathy.  She is an adorable 5 year old little girl.  Dorris Buffett’s Sunshine Lady Foundation is providing a matching grant for all funds raised through February 15th, 2010 up to $500,000.
Save Bannerman Castle – I wrote a blog about Bannerman Castle they’re trying to raise money to work on the restoration.

Weekly Cool Stuff: My good friend Janet Reeves has submitted a video for the CBS casting call for Survivor Season 21.  I think she’d be awesome on  the show.  Check it out and leave her a comment.

Weekly Grand Totals:
Time spent on the phone being a sounding board for my friend with relationship issues: 1025 minutes = 17+ hours
Different types of tea I drank: 2

The Weekly Hypothetical: If you were going to be a product reviewer, what companies would you ask for products?

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I want to say a HUGE Thank You to everyone who commented on yesterday’s blog.
My friend is really struggling with the whole situation.  A few developments have happened throughout the day….
I think at this point deep in his soul he knows that this isn’t going to work out well.
I think he’s just hoping that she’ll come out and say “I can’t do this” but we’re wondering will that day be coming?
I think he’s going to see her tomorrow so it will be interesting to see if she answers any questions or gives him anything to make this situation better.  Or will she act like nothing is amiss?

My friend hasn’t been able to get online to see all of the comments, but I’ve read him some of them.
He very much appreciates that every one of you who commented took the time to do so.
Thank you again.

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What’s everyone doing this weekend?

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I’m going to start out by saying that none of what you are about to read is about anyone that you know online or anyone you’ve met or anyone I’ve talked about, so don’t start speculating that you know this person.  I can guarantee that you don’t.  Literally about 5 people I know have met this person and they don’t read my blog so…  moving on.

I have a very close friend who is in a relationship.  He met a girl about 6 months ago.  He liked her and they kept in touch.  He went to see her roughly once a month and then at the beginning of January they decided to step things up and see each other more often and see if they could turn things into more than what they previously were.  One important thing I’ve left out is that she lives 3 hours away from him.  (He just moved last weekend – prior to his move it was 8 hours)

I would like to see your honest opinions of what you’d do in his situation.  What questions would you ask?  Would you run?  Would you stay and sort it out?  What would you do? What advice do you have for him?

Buckle up, put on your crash helmet and hang on.  Here we go….

He met her one night while traveling in a bar at a hotel he was staying in.  They got chatting for hours and at the end of the night she gave him her number.  He thought she was cute and the conversation was good so he kept in touch with her.  The girl is married with two young children.  She is estranged from her husband, but they’re not divorced.  He’s moved out of the house, but I’m not sure when that happened.

My friend has been the one to drive back and forth to see her.  He’s been the one who always seems to be going out of his way for her.  (Each visit costs him $200 between his hotel room for the night and gas)  She understandably can’t just up and leave to see him for the weekend because of her children.  I wonder if this will always be the way.  Even after she’s divorced will she be able to take the children out of the county where her and her husband lived?  Divorce laws vary by county in the state she lives in.  And they do NOT recognize legal separations.  They’ve been keeping their relationship behind closed doors until she speaks with an attorney (this week) to find out the consequences if her husband does find out she has a boyfriend.  The way I see it, since her state doesn’t recognize legal separations, it would probably be viewed as adultery.  Could this possibly jeopardize her custody situation?  I’m not sure.  While we’re on the issue of her kids, how easy is it going to be for my friend to raise someone else’s kids?  Will her ex-husband make it a living hell for him?  My friend obviously can’t even meet these kids to see what they’re like.  (Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand this, it’s not healthy for kids to meet everyone their Mom or Dad dates until it’s serious)

She seems to communicate with him most often by text messaging.  Picking up the phone and calling him seems to be a foreign concept for her.  He’ll send her a text at 7AM and he might hear back from her by 2 in the afternoon if he’s lucky.  She’ll ask him to text her when he gets home after work so she can call him.  He’ll send the text at 7:15PM and not hear back from her.  She’s used the excuse over and over again that she fell asleep with her kids.  That excuse is getting really old and tired….  This is the first month the two of them have been dating more seriously and she doesn’t seem to care about communicating with him.  When she DOES communicate it’s always sweet, nice and flattering, it’s just getting her TO communicate that’s the problem.  She’s asked him to let her know when he’s home from work so she can call, he’s passed up dinners to wait for her call that never comes.  He really likes her and didn’t mind sacrificing some time with his buddies for her, but he DOES mind it when she couldn’t be bothered to call.  She paints a really pretty picture with her words and flattery, but she doesn’t seem to back it up with actions.  You know the old adage “Actions speak louder than words.”  My friend is willing to drop everything and pick up that phone and make time for her whenever.  Again, he’s going out of his way for her.  But it’s getting to the point that he feels like he’s 10th or 12th on her list.  I understand that her children are first, as they should be, but he should be right up there at the top with them.  He doesn’t feel like he’s important to her because she’s not showing it….  He talked to her a few weeks ago that she needed to step up her communication skills and this is how it’s been since then.
Is she just playing head games with him?
Does she want to be chased?
Is that why her communications skills SUCK??
She seems to have a lot of time that’s unaccounted for.
What’s she doing that she can’t call or text him?

My friend mentioned to her at one point that he wanted to join the rest of the world and go out and get a laptop.  He works with computers all day long so the last thing he wants to do when he gets home is play around on the computer.  He’s been thinking about it though.  When he told her this her response was “What, are you going to go and get a Facebook account too?” (and she wasn’t saying it in a joking way)  She said that she likes that he’s not online.  (I’m not sure if she’s worry he’ll cheat on her, catch her online, or be hit on by other women??)  She did tell him that she has a MySpace that she rarely uses.  What she failed to mention is that she does have a Facebook with a decent number of friends.  We don’t know if she goes on it often, but isn’t it kind of hypocritical?  I’m not saying she has a ton of friends – in fact she’s got nothing compared to me, but the point is it’s pretty shitty to make it clear she doesn’t want him on there when she is.

Every time they’ve met up since the night they met, they’ve met at a hotel in the town where she lives.  They hang out there and don’t go out in public because they don’t want to run into her ex or someone that could tell him.  So one weekend he went with her to a football game out of town.  It’s the first time they were ever really in public together.  She spent pretty much the whole game flirting and heckling a guy who was sitting in front of her.  She ignored my friend.  He almost walked out of the stadium and went home.  When he finally confronted her about it, she didn’t understand why he was upset.  That would have been a deal killer for me.  Disrespect is a HUGE deal killer for me.  For my friend it usually is too.  This girl played it off that she didn’t think it was a big deal.  The guy she was talking to was cheering for the other team and she was having fun.  If it was me and I hadn’t seen my boyfriend in weeks, I would have spent the whole time talking to him because I hadn’t seen him in a couple weeks.  But that would be me….I wonder how she’ll behave in public next time they go somewhere? I hope she learns from last time….

He made a comment on one visit that she could be cheating on him and he wouldn’t even know it because he lives so far away from her.  Her response was “When would I have the time?”  That sounded like a very evasive answer to me.  My response would have been something like “I have you, I don’t want anyone else, and you’re the guy for me and the only one I want.”

A big concern that my friend has is that from what he sees this girl has never had an example of a healthy relationship in her life.  Her Father left when she was young and her parents divorced.  Her Mom remarried and got divorced again.  She’ll even admit that she knew she was making a mistake the day she got married and referred to her marriage as “lust at first sight.”  She’s never had a healthy relationship to model herself after….  This girl is 35 years old and loves to watch The Real World and Jersey Shore.  Isn’t it time to get interested in something a little less juvenile?  I have friends who watched Jersey Shore and asked if they can have that hour of their life back.  My friends concern is that the more you watch crap like that on TV you get desensitized.  You start to think that cheating and treating people like crap is ok and it’s a way of life.  When he brought this up to her she told him to watch Sex In The City if he wanted to understand women.  Seriously? I think a comment like that is the kiss of death for this girl.  My friend is an old fashioned kind of guy.  He’s got manners, morals, and values.  He doesn’t treat women like objects.  Is this guy watches that show, he’s going to think all girls are like Samantha who’s out getting laid with a different guy every night of the week.  That is not what this guy wants to see.  He doesn’t need to see Carrie go out with one guy and go to a bar and make out with another guy.  Saying women are like what you see on Sex In The City is not the way to get to this guys heart.  (And for the record I LOVE SITC, but I’d never tell a guy that’s what all women are like and what all women want!)

This girl is good to him face to face.  She can carry on a great conversation when they’re together and she’s got his attention.  Something about her made him notice her.  The problem for her is that his attention is waning….  He went to see her last week and was going to lay a lot of these issues he has with her out on the table among others (YES there are OTHER issues on top of all these) but when he got there she had cooked him a nice dinner and brought it to the hotel, so he felt bad about coming into that with an ambush and didn’t bring it up.  He also didn’t want to stress her out a couple days before she’s going to talk to an attorney because he realizes that talking to an attorney will be stressful enough.  He cares about this girl quite a bit, he says they do have some stuff in common, but I feel like she just doesn’t know a thing about him.  If she did she wouldn’t be behaving the way she is.

My friend is honestly one of the sweetest, nicest guys on God’s green Earth, but he’s the rebound guy.  (She says she hasn’t dated anyone since her husband)  He’s a great guy, he isn’t controlling, he thinks that both parties in a relationship should be making decisions together, but she seems to be wearing the pants and controlling where this relationship is going at the moment and in my friends words “No cat will ever walk this dog.”

As I’ve talked to him I’ve come up with tons of unanswered questions.  Obviously my first one is security.  My friend makes good money, has a house, nice car, a few expensive toys on the side…  Could she just be looking for a soft place to land?  A sugar Daddy to take care of her and her kids?  Or does she really care about him because he’s a great guy and how he makes her feel?  My friend puts his girl up on a pedestal.  Since he started noticing all this stuff he’s knocked her down a bit, but he still treats her wonderfully through it all.  He doesn’t want to become a doormat though.

Another concern is if he sticks it out with her somehow and then she gets her divorce will she leave him in the dust and ride off into the sunset with some other guy now that she’s free of her marriage??  Having been through a divorce myself I’ve explained to my friend that she will be a different woman after all is said and done.  I know I went in one way and came out the other side much harder, less trusting, annoyed much easier….

I worry quite a bit about my friend.  (Hence this being the longest blog I’ve ever written) There are questions sprinkled throughout this whole situation.  I worry that if he breaks up with her though without getting some sort of closure will he forever wonder what would have happened if he stayed?

What are your honest opinions of what you’d do in his situation?
What questions would you ask?
Would you run?
Would you stay and sort it out?
What would you do?
What advice do you have for him?

Thank you for reading this!  I know it was long winded and I REALLY appreciate it.
Please subscribe and comment.

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